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Video personalisation
a/b video split testing
Custom call to actions
Email capture forms
eCom sales slides
Lower third animations
Auto SEO optimisation
Social share gates
Clickable links
Coupon cta slides
Interactive video polls
Gif creator
Upload and manage all of your videos inside our simple & user friendly dashboard.
Upload and manage all of your videos inside our simple & user friendly dashboard.
Optimise your video player with powerful marketing apps & animated slides.
Analyse your video’s performance with main stats, lobal play views as well as a/b split-tests.
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Can I add clickable links to my videos?
Yes! With Vidello you can place timed buy buttons, affiliate links & any url directly onto your videos!
What's included in this offer?
With Vidello You get:
- Your own video management platform
- Host up to 500 videos.
- Add clickable buy buttons & URLS onto any video
- Collect email subscribers from your video.
- Run interactive video polls in your videos.
- SEO Optimised videos
- Fast video streaming
- Create videom playlists
- Create video pages
- Customise your video player with powerful features.
What's the usual price?
We usually charge $349/year for vidello.
Is there any contract?
No, you can cancel your account within 12 months and will not be re-billed if you decide you no longer
want vidello after your first year. Simply shoot us a message via our support desk at